I asked myself as I wake up this morning able to see without either putting on my contacts or wearing glasses, “What the hell took me so long to do this procedure?” This was one of the best decisions I ever made, I just wish I did this much sooner in my life.
I’ve been using glasses and different type of lenses for almost 28 years now. It all started when I was in mid school when I noticed that I could no longer see what was written on chalkboard from back of the classroom. My vision was so bad I had to sit all the way in the front and sometimes that wasn’t even close enough. I was prescribed my first pair of glasses and hard toric lenses to correct my vision and astigmatism. I complained so much about the discomfort of these lenses I used glasses most of the time. As the years went on I went on to wearing gas permeable lenses and finally to soft contact lenses.
So, here I am, 40 years old, and ready to give this a shot while I’m still young enough to get some good mileage out of good vision. I live a very active lifestyle and spend a lot of time outdoors. During my last eye visit with my optometrist he recommended that I would be a great candidate for Lasik so I gave it a shot.
I came in to my scheduled appt. at L.A. Sight on a Tuesday for a free consultation where Dr. Wallace’s team associates did vision testing and questioning. Two hours later, being a good candidate for Lasik, I was scheduled to come in Thursday for the Lasik procedure. You heard me right, “Two Day “, of which I could only wear my glasses only. A great staff and modern technology is what has made this procedure not only safe but also very accurate and precise. Don’t get me wrong, I was bit terrified at first but the procedure itself only took about 20 minutes and it didn’t hurt at all. I came in the next day for a follow up and tested 20/25 vision.
So what took me so long? I was so use to wearing contacts lenses as part of my daily life, I ignored that there were options available in today’s market.
I just want to thank Dr. Wallace and his team associates for giving my vision a second chance in life 😉 The ability to read, drive at night, swim, ride my motorcycle, and wake up in the middle of the night without vision aids.
Eddie U.