I have been wearing glasses since I was eight years old and then I switched to contacts when I was 13, but I always needed those thick glasses for a backup. My last pair of glasses cost me over $500.00 because I wanted to do whatever it took to make them as thin as possible, and then they were still thick!
I am now 31 and free of both, and what a relief it is! I was referred to Dr. Wallace by my optometrist. He was the second physician that I went to for a consultation on LASIK surgery. After my consultation with him, I felt so confident about selecting him as my physician for LASIK because I could tell that he had so much passion for his work. I think I was at -7.75 in one eye and at -8.00 in the other eye, with astigmatism and steep corneas. I was really nervous and skeptical about doing the surgery and asked Dr. Wallace many challenging questions at which he answered very thoroughly and with confidence. I was most pleasantly surprised to find that he was not at all put off by my skepticism and harsh questions.
I am a very busy person and he worked around my schedule to accommodate my needs, including scheduling my surgery. I could not function at all without my contacts nor could I see my husband’s face clearly without getting nose to nose with him. I hadn’t water skied in over 6 years because I couldn’t see outside of the boat wake any my lack of vision was certainly handicapping me. I am sure that I have wrinkles on my brow line from squinting so much.
My opinion is that many doctor’s have made LASIK a “”business””, shuffling patients in and out, but this was not the case with Dr. Wallace. He really cared about my welfare and one of my most memorable experiences with him was when he did my checkup the day after my surgery and announced that I was at 20/20 with such excitement on his face.
Immediately after the surgery, I got out of the operating chair and could see VERY clearly. Keep in mind, before the surgery, I couldn’t see 3 inches in front of my face. There wasn’t any discomfort or pain, he was very gentle and coached me through the surgery, which literally took minutes. I had my surgery done on a Saturday and I worked a trade show that following Monday and Tuesday without any problems.
This surgery will not slow you down, it will only make your life so much better. I have had the chance to water-ski since my surgery, and what a thrill it was! I see perfectly and could not recommend a better doctor or medical procedure. It has changed my life so much and I leave myself available should anyone have any questions regarding my experience with LASIK and Dr. Wallace.