Doctor Wallace says:
Lisa is very athletic and in incredible shape. She enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities, but has found that glasses and contacts just get in the way, or are difficult to deal with. She has particular problems in windy conditions (sailing, windsurfing, water-skiing) and any time she’s in or on the water. Her eyes also are not as comfortable wearing contacts as they were 20 years ago, and they feel dry, often tired with lenses in. In a nutshell, she’s just “had it” with contacts.
She also has two twin girls, which in itself is a more-than-full-time job. She was really ready for LASIK. She was referred to me by her optometrist, and we provided care for her in August of ’03.
“I can’t believe how clear everything is!” she keeps saying. She also asks, “Is it normal after LASIK to just stare out the window, admiring leaves on the trees?”