Dear Dr. Wallace,
I am writing to express my profound gratitude to you for the results of my recent LASIK surgery. Almost three weeks after the procedure, I am seeing 20/15 in my left eye and almost 20/20 in my right eye; I am easily 20/20 with both and can scarcely believe how pleased I am with my vision every day when I open my eyes. Not only am I amazed by the visual acuity I now enjoy, I’m also aware of what an outstanding result this is for someone whose correction was greater than -7 diopters in each eye.
As impressed as I am with the outcome of the surgery, I am even more appreciative of your approach to my case during the long period prior to the day of LASIK itself. From the hour of one-on-one time you provided me during my very first office visit in February to my repeated follow-ups, you never deviated from the friendly, patient manner that I find so rare in doctors of any type and that I have come to value so much from you.
Just as important to me as the quality of your personal attention, however, was the substance behind it. I brought myriad, detailed concerns about the surgery to you over the months before I finally chose to have LASIK, and you answered each with comprehensive clarity. From pupil size to corneal thickness to surgical technique to choice of laser, you never failed to provide an objective analysis of my queries and reassure me at the same time.
Given our exhaustive preparation and the multiple surgeries that you encouraged me to watch you perform, in person, I had no reason to be nervous going under the laser and I wasn’t. I received the same trademark precision with the keratome and the laser that I had already seen you provide many other patients, and the results have been fantastic.
Thanks again to you and your entire staff, especially Ruth Wolf (who made scheduling and payment painless), for a wonderful LASIK experience all the way around.
Very best regards,
Scott P.
June 13th, 2000